Stop Learning Start Earning



We've been blessed to work all around the world as internationally recognised and world leading Coaches, Mentors, Trainers and Speakers. Working with the best in the industry we have served tens of thousands of clients all over the globe. And in doing this deep work, we've noticed that some people go to seminar after seminar, or course after course, and yet they don't make any lasting change in their lives.

And the reason for this is they don't effectively implement their learning's, rather they intellectualise them. They take pride in attending the seminar, finishing the course or reading the book, but they haven't truly implemented their learning's. As a result there is no lasting change, no benefit or no difference to their lives. Subsequently they're left wondering..."why am I getting the same crappy results or not getting ahead?".

This is why Implementation is so important. Have you ever bought a book and never read it? Or worse still you've read it, learnt...

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Are your Goals setting you up to FAIL?



We've all set goals before with our health, wealth, career and relationships. We've spent time and energy creating our ultimate vision, our dream life. You may have even worked really hard trying to realise these goals. But have you ever fallen short? Put yourself out there, taken a shot and missed the mark?

Has goal setting ever got the better of you? Have you ever given up on a goal because it seemed like a waste of time or too far beyond reach? Perhaps you don’t want to think about goal setting anymore because deep down it’s too painful to put yourself in this position again?

You might even be thinking..."what's the point?" Things haven’t worked out. Your goals have rarely become a reality. You’ve taken action and yet it still doesn’t seem to work out.

Maybe you're feeling burnt out. You're starting to think and believe that you just don't have the energy, focus or ambition anymore!

If you have ever felt like this, then do yourself a BIG...

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Why Success is Your Biggest Failure!



Do you want more success, more joy or more fulfillment in your life? Are you working really hard, but "life" seems to be getting in your way of achieving this? Do you feel like you're really busy, but just not getting ahead fast enough? You're running hard on the treadmill of life, but you feel like there's no momentum towards what matters most.

Maybe you’re on the treadmill of work? That constant motion of going round and round, but you feel like you’re not actually moving forward? Are you putting in the hours and the effort, but life's becoming a grind? Do you feel like you're not getting the rewards or the outcomes you'd expected?

Let's face it, life just isn’t where you thought it would be right now. And it’s disappointing you. Those goals, dreams and outcomes haven’t materialised yet. You can't see them and you don’t feel like things are working out your way. You're not hearing the acknowledgement for all the effort you’re...

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The number one thing that's holding you back in life right now


Have you ever taken action, put yourself out there, worked hard to achieve your goals and dreams; and fell short? Struck out?

Did you decide to try again? Try something else; tried a new strategy, chased a new dream, shrank your vision to something “realistic” to put the pain of the loss behind you?

Then when it didn't work out multiple times for multiple reasons did you think, “I don't know whether I want to do this again” and you take yourself out of the game.

Or you have stepped up with some courage, and been judged? Did someone make a harsh comment? Was it your family, your friends or your community, and so you chose to play small instead?

Have you ever been unsure and thought, "I'm just not sure if this is going to work? How much more time, effort, energy and money am I going to pour into this?” So you start hedging your bets because you feel uncertain.

Vincent Van Gogh once asked, "What would life be like if we didn't have the courage to attempt...

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