Why Success is Your Biggest Failure!



Do you want more success, more joy or more fulfillment in your life? Are you working really hard, but "life" seems to be getting in your way of achieving this? Do you feel like you're really busy, but just not getting ahead fast enough? You're running hard on the treadmill of life, but you feel like there's no momentum towards what matters most.

Maybe you’re on the treadmill of work? That constant motion of going round and round, but you feel like you’re not actually moving forward? Are you putting in the hours and the effort, but life's becoming a grind? Do you feel like you're not getting the rewards or the outcomes you'd expected?

Let's face it, life just isn’t where you thought it would be right now. And it’s disappointing you. Those goals, dreams and outcomes haven’t materialised yet. You can't see them and you don’t feel like things are working out your way. You're not hearing the acknowledgement for all the effort you’re putting in. You’re working really hard, but it’s all becoming hard work.

But wait...there is a better way! You can experience more success, joy and fulfillment in your life. It starts with acknowledging yourself for your successes, rather than looking for acknowledgment from others or seeking external validation to tell you when you're successful.

Rest assured there is an easier way to experience more success, more joy and more fulfillment in your life. And the great news is this can be done without having to do more.

How would you feel if you could experience more success every day? What would your life be like if every day you could step into that space where you’re feeling that success? You're seeing that success show up multiple times throughout your day. Instead of waiting for some big result, some big golden egg or the ultimate outcome to arrive in order to experience success. What if you could feel successful in many ways throughout your day?

How? Read on and integrate these three simple steps to supercharge your success, and bring more joy and fulfillment into your life.

Step #1: Redefine

This is all about redefining your wins. 

Have you ever felt like your wins are few and far between? If something hasn’t gone your way or gone to plan, do you see that as a struggle or something that didn’t work? Or alternatively, when it does go to plan do you just tick it off the list and move on to what’s next?

Maybe you only allow yourself to experience success when you exceed your expectations? Is that how you define your wins? 

What would happen if rather than waiting for some massive thing to exceed your expectations, you celebrated when things went your way? When things turned out the way you had hoped. When things meet your expectations rather than having to exceed them. How many times a day could you feel success then?

This is the first step. Setting yourself up for more success by redefining what your wins are. The little things that work out well throughout your day. We often take these for granted or simply just don’t acknowledge them.

Remember, it's not all about the BIG wins or that big golden egg. It's not all about the massive end goal. Make sure you celebrate the progress not the prize!

Step #2: Rejoice

Now that you’ve redefined what your wins are, it’s really important that you celebrate these wins.

Rejoice is about celebrating the small steps each and every day that are propelling you towards your destination. It's all about the journey, not the destination! If you're waiting until you get that BIG win or achieve the massive end goal, you'll likely be waiting a long time and won't be feeling successful. Also you may not even get there, or your eyes may have moved on to a bigger prize. So stop robbing yourself of all this joy by not rejoicing along the way!

Celebrate your wins! Every one of them, no matter how small. It’s so important that you acknowledge yourself and take the time to celebrate. Whether that’s a quick happy dance, a fist pump or a smile. Perhaps you take a deep breath and tell yourself " Well Done!”.

Then, and only then, should you move on.

Step #3: Rewrite

This is rewriting your rules to success.

You're off track if you are looking outside of yourself for signs that you're successful. If the only way you believe you're successful is when you're acknowledged by your peers, by management or by materialistic gains.

Don't get caught up in the trap of measuring success by material things. Such as your car, your salary or whatever prize you might think legitimises your success. This is a dangerous and downward spiral that will never bring true lasting joy, success and fulfillment. Don't do this!

Instead, rewrite the terms and conditions of what success looks, feels and sounds like to you. You be the author and decide that your success is based on things you can control. Rather than all those external factors you have no power over. 

It could be as simple as this. I experience success or I experience joy or happiness or fulfillment when I put my feet on the ground in the morning. What if that was one of your new T&C’s for success? Just to wake up in the morning and be thankful for another day on this beautiful planet.

Or perhaps it' this. I experience success, joy or happiness when I see my family, my friends or my significant other because I’m so grateful and blessed to have them in my life. 

We’re using the word "success" a lot in this blog, but it might be that you experience more joy, happiness, fulfillment or engagement in life.

It's important that you are the author of your life. So write your terms and conditions around what success, joy, happiness or fulfillment is to you. Make success easy to experience on your own terms every day. Something that you can experience every day regardless of the day you're having. 

These are our three simple steps to supercharge your success. If you need support with integrating these steps or if we can serve you in any way, reach out and let's start a conversation.

And remember, for your best life:

Seek Clarity

Step Forward with Courage

Stay Consistent



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