I'm going to be frank. There will be some of you reading this, who, if you were to look in the mirror right now, would see this topic as the biggest disappointment in your life. It is your lack of consistency.
That's because you've had a beautiful dream, a beautiful vision, some amazing goal that you had, and you never got started with it. Or, maybe you did get started. Maybe you got started with it, and then things got in the way.
You ran out of time, you ran out of energy, or life in general got in the way. Maybe you got started and you got going, and you're going, going and still going, and there's just no light at the end of the tunnel.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because when you implement and integrate these four secrets to success from our Cattio Consistency Quadrant, it's going to bring more self confidence.
When you're true to your word and when you follow through, that's what you get. More self confidence. You get a greater sense of accomplishment because you're doing what you said you were going to do. And you get a greater sense of self-respect. Even more than that, is social recognition. People are going to see it, they're going to feel it. You're going to be bouncing with energy because you've got this consistency, you've finally got it going on.
To get more of this in your life, we are going to share with you the Cattio Consistency Quadrant.
Let's do it!!
This is about reclaiming your vision. Going back to that goal, that vision, that idea, that started you on your journey and reclaiming it. Really connecting with the detail of it. What does it look like? What does it feel like?
Also look at your big WHY. Why did you get involved with this? Why is it so important to you? Why is this so important to you in terms of your family? Why is it so important to you in terms of your legacy? It’s so important to connect with the why as part of the vision.
Once you've got that clarity and you've reclaimed your vision and connected to your why, it's important that you recalibrate your actions and your behaviours. Recalibrate and ensure you've got the right habits that are moving you forward with consistency.
Rejoice!! You've got to rejoice along the way. You can't wait till the end. You can't wait until the goal, the vision, the outcome or the golden egg has arrived. You've got to rejoice along the way. This is about consistently recognising yourself for the action taken and the little wins along the way, by celebrating and rejoicing each and every one.
Last but not least, is repeat. Don't move through the quadrant once and then think that you're done. That’s just silly. This is life work. Once you move through reclaim, recalibrate, rejoice, it's repeat. Go back to the start. Reclaim your vision and reconnect with your why, recalibrate your actions and behaviours, rejoice and celebrate the wins, and then continue working the quadrant. Wash, rinse, repeat!
We hope you implement and integrate this into your life, to bring you greater consistency and better results.
If you need greater support, or are looking for a better, faster way to get ahead, reach out to us and let’s start a conversation.
Remember, for your best life:
Seek Clarity
Step Forward with Courage
Stay Consistent
50% Complete
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